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DUIs & National Holidays

Writer: Lee MeadowsLee Meadows

Drunk driving incidents always spike around major holidays. It is no surprise that DUIs, drunk driving related injuries, and drunk driving related deaths increase along with them. Whether you plan to spend July 4th sober or enjoying a few beverages, you need to have a plan for responsible and safe transportation.

Drunk driving doesn’t only affect the intoxicated driver. If you are planning to DD or be on the road this July 4th, try to drive defensively and take extra care. Your risk of coming into contact with drunk drivers is significantly higher and it is important to be extra cautious.

Many people’s July 4th celebrations include a few cold beers or cocktails. Make sure you are celebrating the holiday and enjoying alcohol responsibility this July 4th and plan for transportation or accommodations in advance! This can be as simple as having your ride app ready to go, making arrangements with a DD, or even having a place to stay lined up if needed.  

Here are our tips for celebrating safely!

Plan ahead:

If you plan to drink, make a plan ahead of time for a sober ride home.

Take advantage of Uber and Lyft!

Your ride fell through, or you ended up celebrating more than you planned? Thank goodness you can just order an Uber or Lyft! Spending a few bucks on a safe ride is better than spending hundreds to thousands on DUI fees. Need we say more?

Stay overnight or book a hotel:

Can’t find a DD or your DD ends up drinking? Spending a night at a hotel or crashing at a friend’s is better than spending the night in jail.

Drive safely:

If you are a DD and have stayed completely sober, it’s still a good idea to practice extra caution while driving. Drunk drivers are more prevalent and car accidents are more likely to occur on major holidays.

Don’t drive while impaired:

It’s easy to make the mistake of thinking you are “sober enough” to drive. Even if you’ve only had a few drinks, it is best to play it safe and not get behind the wheel.

If your prescription is not supposed to be mixed with alcohol, don’t drink:

It’s important to read the instructions on your medications. Mixing prescriptions with alcohol can be dangerous whether you are driving or not.

Please don’t “sleep it off” in your vehicle:

There’s a common misconception that sleeping in your car after drinking is a safe choice. Did you know that you can still get a DUI charge this way? If an officer has any reason to believe you may have been driving up to that point, or were intending to drive while under an influence, they can make a DUI arrest. It is better not to risk it!

Things to Know:

Did you know in the eyes of Florida law what we commonly refer to as "drunk driving" actually falls under the umbrella of "impaired driving." Impaired driving does include driving under the influence of alcohol, but it also includes driving impairments like drugs, fatigue, medical conditions, and other qualifying impairments. Laws regarding impaired driving vary state to state. In some states citizens can be charged with "drunk driving" in qualifying cases. However, in the state of Florida "drunk driving" and other charges regarding driving while impaired are all considered "impaired driving". 

Check out our blog post "Understanding Impaired Driving In Florida" to learn more about impaired driving laws in Florida.



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