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Misdemeanor Case Studies

Case Synopsis

Charges: Using a Fraudulent Driver's License

Court: Leon County / County Court 




Defendant was found passed out in a dormitory on FSU campus. After unresponsive questioning, the police found a fraudulent driver’s license in defendant’s wallet.



Pled down to a misdemeanor, with no guilt charged.


The information in this section contains information about our past results and statements regarding the quality of our law firm′s services. The information has not been reviewed or approved by The Florida Bar. You should know that the facts and circumstances of your case may differ from the matters in which results have been provided. Not all results of cases handled by The Law Office of Lee Meadows, LLC are provided. The results provided are not necessarily representative of results obtained by The Law Office of Lee Meadows, LLC, or the results of your individual case.


Every case is different, and each client′s case must be evaluated and handled on its own merits.





Charges: DUI

Court: Leon County / Criminal Traffic



Client was charged with DUI with property damage after an accident.

At the hospital blood was drawn with results above .08.




It was argued on behalf of client that blood could not be withdrawn citing a recent U.S. Supreme Court case in that a warrant had not been issued.



After several hearings the court ruled in favor of the defendant and blood results were suppressed.



The information in this section contains information about our past results and statements regarding the quality of our law firm′s services. The information has not been reviewed or approved by The Florida Bar. You should know that the facts and circumstances of your case may differ from the matters in which results have been provided. Not all results of cases handled by The Law Office of Lee Meadows, LLC are provided. The results provided are not necessarily representative of results obtained by The Law Office of Lee Meadows, LLC, or the results of your individual case.


Every case is different, and each client′s case must be evaluated and handled on its own merits.

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